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.Buy smaller quantities of fresh produce and enjoy your food while it’s at its best.‘No act of kindness,however small,is ever wasted.’AESOPGet in touchDon’t put off getting in touch with a friend until you have time.If you find yourself thinking of someone, call them.Don’t let being busy be your excuse.Now is the perfect time to get in touch, no matter how briefly.‘A good laugh is sunshinein the house.’WILLIAM THACKERAYFill it with laughterThere is little to be gained by filling your home with things: gadgets, widgets and the latest technology.No matter how exciting these can sound, all too often they won’t be used enough to have been worth the investment.If you really want to improve the quality of your life, save your money and fill your home with love and laughter instead.‘Too many people spend moneythey haven’t earned,to buy things they don’t want,to impress people they don’t like.’WILL ROGERSSave your moneyWhen you find yourself tempted to buy something you can’t really afford, ask yourself, ‘Who am I buying this for?’Although the obvious answer might be ‘me’, on closer inspection you will likely find that there is someone else you were hoping to impress with your purchase.‘It is not how much we have,but how much we enjoy,that makes happiness.’CHARLES SPURGEONDon’t keep it for bestIf you find yourself putting things aside and saving them for good – be that homewares, clothing, jewellery or any other possessions – stop and ask yourself, ‘What is stopping me from using this today?’Rather than saving things for ‘good’, use the things you love all the time and make every day a special day.‘Clear your mind of can’t.’SAMUEL JOHNSONPress deleteOne of the most debilitating and destructive words in the English language is ‘can’t’.It gets in the way of so much potential.Delete ‘can’t’ from your vocabulary and start thinking of all that you can.‘True silence is the rest of the mind,and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body,nourishment and refreshment.’WILLIAM PENNLearn to meditateYou don’t need to sit cross-legged and chant ‘om’ to meditate.True meditation is simply taking the time to be silent and alone with your thoughts, then allowing those thoughts to be set free.‘Together in our house,in the firelight,we are the world made small.’JENNIFER DONNELLYTreasure your loved onesIt’s easy to let other things get in the way of spending time together as a family – a stressful day at work, a big deadline, a new romance or a busy social life.No matter what distractions are competing for your attention, nothing is more important than family.Treasure yours and make them a priority in your life.‘The key is in not spending time,but in investing it.’STEPHEN R.COVEYCreate a listIt’s a fact of life that certain things need doing again, again and again.Rather than reinvent the wheel every time something needs doing, spend the time to make a list.You will only have to do this once.You can then save your brainpower for something else while you work your way through checking it off.‘One’s destination is never a place,but a new way of seeing things.’HENRY MILLEREnhance your experienceWhen you go somewhere new for the first time, look around you to see what you can discover.Of course there is often plenty to learn about art, history or culture.But just as interesting are the simple observations you can make about the way people are living their lives – observations you can then use to enhance your own life in some way on your return.‘Ability is what you’re capable of doing.Motivation determines what you do.Attitude determines how well you do it.’LOU HOLTZHave a good attitudeYou don’t have to do everything to get ahead in life.What you do need to do is a great job of the things you decide to do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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