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.Danielwanted to run, but he couldn’t move.He didn’t know if he was frozen in shock or by somemystical means.This went against all logic and into the realm of the stories he collected.He was staring at the boogie man, a werebird, a shape shifter, he was staring at himself.“So human, at first glance,” the chirping voice trilled.Daniel stared, and flinched a bit when it kept moving forward.“Grew so adept at reading Them, but you… What is going through your mind?”The oddly intense stare was broken when the owlish creature tensed and looked towardthe cabin.There was movement inside then he heard the call.“Daniel?”His head shot up, terror giving way to panic.That was Lynn’s voice!“Daniel? Where’d you go, man?”Matthew! His eyes shot back to the creature.If they came outside, it might attack them.Those talons, hands, talons, feet, talons could rip them the shreds and Daniel wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it.“D—” He croaked, voice tense as his muscles tightened with emotion.“Don’t hurt them.”The lips smiled again and he saw fangs.Fangs! This wasn’t happening, couldn’t behappening!“Daniel? Come on! Matthew was right, it was just a squirrel, it knocked over some boxes,”Lynn called for him in an exasperated tone.“If I find out you got scared by a little séance, I will mock you without mercy.”He heard Matthew open the door and ask Lynn, “Where did he go?” in a puzzled voice.Too close!“I could do it,” the creature promised.“Could string their pieces up through the trees likegarland.They would scream, I don’t like screaming, but if one tears out their throats first, they would not make noise for long.”Daniel shook his head, neck too tight, almost unwilling to move in that simple gesture.“No.”“You will stop me?”Daniel could hear Matthew’s steps on the porch.In another moment, he would walkaround the house and see them, then it would be over.He met the thing’s owlish eyes steadilyand promised, “I’ll come with you.You can take me instead.I promise I won’t scream.”The smile widened, and the arms shot forward, enveloping him in feathers and canvas.The world dropped out from under them.Daniel closed his eyes and let the darkness swallowhim.* * * *When he awoke, there was something soft beneath him.Daniel’s foggy mind whirled inplace a moment before the gears clicked and the mechanism jerked to a start.He jumped up intoa low crouch, scanning the area around him.The trees were growing so tightly together that they made a wall all the way around.He was trapped.A stream of water flowed in from cracksbetween the trunks on one side, making a small pool in the rocks below them, flooding under the huge and twisting roots.There was a fire in the very center of the strange ring, jumping andcrackling, further filling the clearing with the scent of woods and sap.Pine, even though none of the trees around him were pine.In fact, Daniel had never seen those types of trees before.They were massive and old, trunks covered in a strange golden bark, but deep green just underneathand pulsing through as if the bark were some kind of smoky crystal.The roots twisted from theearth in mad knots that reached through nearly the whole clearing, only dipping into the ground around the fire, as if they were bowing to its heat.He had been settled in a nest of feathers, snuggled between two of the roots, but near enough to feel the fire’s touch.A tingling in his back made him turn.The thing lounged upon some of the tangled rootsgrowing in a throne-like manner.Watching him.It looked like a heathen god.Daniel didn’t like that image.It made him think of sacrifices.“You…”“Me,” it chirruped.He asked the first question that came to him.“Why do you look like me?”“I don’t,” it corrected.“You look like me.”He stood on shaking legs and glowered at the calm, still smiling thing.“That isn’t possible.Why would I look like you?!”“Good question.Think hard.”Daniel had no idea what he was meant to think of.“Broken.”“I’m not broken!” he growled bravely but tensed and tried to back away when it moved tostand.It rose in a flowing motion, so smooth it almost didn’t look as if it were really moving [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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