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.The note from Evans appears to be authentic, so there is no reason not to trust you.Another question, though.Why did Evans send you to me? Or perhaps I should ask how you found out about the starship and convinced Evans you were gifted enough to go.”“Evans cannot be blamed for allowing certain of his possessions to fall into the hands of a master pickpocket,” Brandyjack said, smiling.“As soon as I discovered the importance of what I held, I wasted no time in returning same to Evans and he was… shall we say, impressed with my honesty? Yes, that’s a nice phrase.He was impressed to the point that he thought I might be of some aid to your plans.He prepared the note and the coin, told me to bring them to you, and here I am.After making a deal with a certain infected beggar boy, of course.”Thoruso nodded.“Did Evans mention anything about the books?”Brandyjack smiled.“As a matter of fact, he told me to tell you he’s having no luck at all.He can’t locate whatever ones you want.”A frown crossed Thoruso’s face, but he said nothing about the books.Instead, he asked, “Why didn’t Evans kill you the first chance he got?”Brandyjack smiled.“I am not a stupid man, Thoruso.I took certain precautions.In short, I left a written record of the importance of Evans’s papers with a certain acquaintance of mine.When Evans found this out he couldn’t very well kill me, now could he? After all, I had told my acquaintance I’d return in three hours for the records, and if I didn’t return in exactly that time he was to approach certain authorities.Obviously he decided to let you make the final decision.”“And the written records?”“Now Thoruso,” Brandyjack said quickly, “they’re still very much in existence, but with a different set of regulations regarding their delivery to the authorities.”“I don’t suppose I could convince you to turn them over to me or destroy them?”“Not likely.”“You trust this acquaintance of yours? There is no chance of those papers reaching people we’d rather not have them reach?”“There are always risks.”“But the senseless ones can be done away with.”“True, Thoruso, true.Perhaps you’re right.But, also, perhaps you consider me a senseless risk.Perhaps you’d kill me, eh?”“For what the word of a Merchant is worth, especially one working against the wishes of the authorities, I can promise you you will not die by my hand or by my order.As far as I’m concerned, you’re one of us now.”“For a Merchant you’re very trusting, Thoruso.I’ve yet to meet a man of your profession who didn’t squeeze every available profit from every available source while eliminating every possible risk.”“Has it occurred to you that I might consider you a highly available profit from an unexpected source that has no risks, save for the existence of the records?”“Well put, Merchant.What is life but a series of risks anyway, eh? Consider the papers no longer a threat.And consider my services yours for the commanding.”They shook hands.“By the way,” Brandyjack said a moment later, “I destroyed the papers after Evans agreed to send me here.As you said, the senseless risks can be removed.”Thoruso smiled.“I have a reputation for being a dishonest man,” he said, “simply because I am a Merchant.Admittedly, I’ve been known to take advantage of certain situations.I assure you, however, that in this matter my word is my bond.I am, basically, an honest fellow.”“Then there’s no more to be said,” Brandyjack responded quickly, rising to his feet, “Is there anything you’d have me do at the moment?”“No.For the time being your life is your own.”“Very well.Perhaps you’d oblige a penniless wayfarer with a token of payment for future services?”Thoruso smiled, reached into the folds of his tunic, and brought out a simple, white card.“Present this whenever you wish to eat, sleep, drink, whatever.I will be billed.”“Endless credit?”“Not quite.Discretion would be wise, considering you are now an employee of mine.Exercise at least a modicum of self-control.In your own best interests, you understand.”“Of course.I’ll be taking a room at a bar a few blocks from here.A man named Benjamin owns the place.”Thoruso frowned.“I know the place.I’ll send for you when you’re needed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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