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.It was plugged in.Dillon sighed "suddenly, took the helmet off, and turned."Hello, Bob," he said."Funny about this job.You can't see, you can't hear, but when somebody's watching you, you feel a sort of pressure on the back of your neck.ESP, maybe.Ever felt it?”"Pretty often, lately.Why the grand tour, Charity?”"There's to be an inspection," Dillon said.His eyes met Helmuth's.They were frank and transparent."A mob of Western officials, coming to see that their eight billion dollars isn't being wasted.Naturally, I'm a little anxious to see that they find everything in order.”"I see," Helmuth said."First time in five years, isn't it?”"Just about.What was that dust-up down below just now?Somebodyyou.I'm sure, from the drastic handiwork in- volvedbailed Eva out of a mess, and then I heard her talk about your wanting to blow up the Bridge.I checked the area when I heard the fracas start, and it did seem as if she had let things go rather far, but What was it all about?”Dillon ordinarily hadn't the guile for cat-and-mouse games, and he had never looked less guileful now.Helmuth said care- fully, "Eva was upset, I suppose.On the subject of Jupiter we're all of us cracked by now, in our different ways.The way she was dealing with the catalysis didn't look to me to be suitablea difference of opinion, resolved in my favour because I had the authority, Eva didn't.That's all.”"Kind of an expensive difference, Bob.I'm not niggling by nature, you know that.But an incident like that while the commission is here”"The point is," Helmuth said, "are we to spend an extra ten thousand, or whatever it costs to replace a truss and reinforce a caisson, or are we to lose the whole caisson and as much as a third of the whole Bridge along with it?”"Yes, you're right there, of course.That could be ex- plained, even to a pack of senators.Butit would be diffi- cult to have to explain it very often.Well, the board's yours, Bob.You could continue my spot-check, if you've time.”Dillon got up.Then he added suddenly, as if it were forced out of him:"Bob, I'm trying to understand your state of mind.From what Eva said, I gather that you've made it fairly public.I.I don't think it's a good idea to infect your fellow work- ers with your own pessimism.It leads to sloppy work.I know that regardless of your own feelings you won't countenance sloppy work, but one foreman can do only so much.And you're making extra work for yourselfnot for me, but for yourselfby being openly gloomy about the Bridge."You're the best man on the Bridge, Bob, for all your grous- ing about the job, and your assorted misgivings.I'd hate to see you replaced.”"A threat, Charity?" Helmuth said softly.'Wo.I wouldn't replace you unless you actually went nuts, and I firmly believe that your fears in that respect are groundless.It's a commonplace that only sane men suspect their own sanity, isn't it?”"It's a common misconception.Most psychopathic ob- sessions begin with a mild worry.”Dillon made as if to brush that subject away."Anyhow, I'm not threatening; I'd fight to keep you here.But my say- so only covers Jupiter V; there are people higher up on Ganymede, and people higher yet back in Washingtonand in this inspecting commission."Why don't you try to look on the bright side for a change? Obviously the Bridge isn't ever going to inspire you.But you might at least try thinking about all those dollars piling up in your account every hour you're on this job, and about the bridges and ships and who knows what-all that you'll be building, at any fee you ask, when you get back down to Earth.All under the magic words, 'One of the men who built the Bridge on Jupiter!' “Charity was bright red with embarrassment and enthusi- asm.Helmuth smiled."I'll try to bear it in mind, Charity," he said."When is this gaggle of senators due to arrive?”"They're on Ganymede now, taking a breather.They came directly from Washington without any routing.I suppose they'll make a stop at Callisto before they come here.They've something new on their ship, I'm told, that lets them flit about more freely than the usual uphill transport can.”An icy lizard suddenly was nesting in Helmuth's stomach, coiling and coiling but never settling itself.The room blurred.The persistent nightmare was suddenly almost upon him already."Something.new?" he echoed, his voice as flat and non- committal as he could make it."Do you know what it is?”"Well, yes.But I think I'd better keep quiet about it un- til”"Charity, nobody on this deserted rock-heap could possibly be a Soviet spy.The whole habit of 'security' is idiotic out here.Tell me now and save me the trouble of dealing with senators; or tell me at least that you know I know.They have antigravityl Isn't that it?”One word from DiUon, and the nightmare would be real."Yes," Dillon said."How did you know? Of course, it couldn't be a complete gravity screen by any means.But it seems to be a good long step towards it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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