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.From the station, he and his men would take shuttles back to Planet Alpha, and as this was the last mission of their current duty assignment, they would all be able to go back to their homes and resume their normal lives.Nakai smiled as he pictured his home, orchards, and vineyards.As captain he would remain on the ship until all his crew had disembarked.Normally he would travel with just the heads of the ship’s sections, but this time there would be the human and Xyran to consider.He contacted each section chief in turn.They were all happy to escort him, and the injured men, to the station.Nakai knew at that point he’d be separated from the rest of his crew while he escorted the human and Xyran to Planet Alpha.He stood and took a deep cleansing breath.He could only hope the debriefing went smoothly.****While the human and Xyran were transported to the base medical facility, Nakai took advantage of being able to take a hot shower.He stood under the water, enjoying its play on his skin.He soaped a thick sponge liberally and ran it over his body.A soak in a bath would be better, but the base was practical, and an individual bath an unnecessary indulgence, although there were several communal baths.His first round of debriefing had taken longer than usual, as he’d fully expected.Now he wanted to feel clean again, and to eat.His next debriefing was with the Admiral himself.As such, Nakai wanted to feel fully refreshed before facing his superior.When he exited the shower he wrapped a robe around him while he ate the meal provided.Good, plain and hearty fare, so much more flavorful than the dried and synthesized food he’d eaten for the last month.But as good as this was, he longed for the meals his own cook would prepare when he got home.He licked his lips in anticipation of the sweet treats he’d be preparing even now.Clean and replete, Nakai redressed.He went to the computer and logged in advising he was ready for his second debriefing.The message back was polite, but informed him that the Admiral would contact him when ready to see him.Nakai sighed heavily.Normally the debriefing was a formality.He’d known his was far from that.However, he’d hoped to have begun the process swiftly.He scrolled through the library of books the computer system had online.Settling into the chair, Nakai began to read.An hour passed before an alert drew Nakai’s attention.He stood and smoothed out non-existent creases from his uniform.The Admiral was ready to see him.Nakai walked smartly along the stone floor, his footsteps ringing out.No one paid any attention to him, so his surmised that having a Xyran on the base was still being kept as confidential, at least for the time being.He strode into the ante office where a secretary looked up at him from behind his desk.“Captain Nakai to see the Admiral.”“Yes, Sir.” He tapped into his computer and waited for the response.“Please go straight in.He’s expecting you.”Nakai went into the inner office and saluted smartly.The Admiral returned his salute, and indicated a chair set in front of his oversized desk.“Good day greetings, Captain Nakai.I’m pleased that you and your ship returned home safely.You did well in capturing the pirate vessel with so few casualties, and with its stolen cargo intact.Congratulations on a job well done.”“Thank you, Admiral.The capture of the vessel resulted in more than merely recovering pirated gems as I’m sure you are aware.”“Indeed I am.I know you well enough, Captain Nakai, not to be surprised that you wish to claim the human.He is yours to care for as you wish.However, the Xyran is another matter entirely.”“I fully understand and appreciate that, Admiral.However, the captain’s log on the pirate craft will show that this Xyran was a prisoner, and not one of the pirates.I don’t understand the dynamics of the relationship between him and the human, but the human cared only that we found the Xyran prisoner.I feel it my duty, given the Xyran’s innocence in regards to the piracy, and given his injuries, to take care of him since there is a connection between the two men.”“I see.I’ve asked that the base physicians bring the Xyran out of stasis, but keep him lightly sedated while I question him.I feel it my duty to be personally assured of any lack of complicity on his part.You may return home if you wish.Take the human with you.But until I am certain, the Xyran will remain here.”“Then so will I, Admiral.I don’t know if my presence will be beneficial, but perhaps once Sukh understands where he is and what I propose, he will be more assured if I am actually here.” Nakai bore the intense scrutiny from the Admiral without flinching.“Very well, Nakai.I expect a full report of everything on my desk first thing in the morning.I will then question the Xyran.If he proves cooperative and I judge him to speak honestly in the matter, we can see what can be done tomorrow.Enjoy your rest.Dismissed, Captain.”Nakai stood and saluted.“Thank you, Admiral.”Back out on the corridor Nakai sighed heavily.He hadn’t truly thought the Admiral would do any less.It was his job to be certain Sukh wasn’t one of the pirates.He shook his head.The Xyran log would substantiate Sukh’s innocence.He would have to wait and see what the next day brought.****Nakai ensured his report was ready as the Admiral requested.Then he settled to wait.A couple of hours went by before he was summoned to the Admiral’s office.As he entered, the Admiral’s grim look told him things were not going well.He saluted sharply.“Sit down, Captain.” The Admiral returned his salute and indicated the same chair as the previous evening.“I’m afraid that if the Xyran continues to behave as he has so far, your request will be denied.”“What happened?” Nakai fought down a sudden surge of agitation.This wasn’t a scenario he’d made provision for.“We have him sedated, but conscious and secure.I’ve visited him twice explaining who I am and what is needed if he is not to go on trial as a suspected pirate.He has refused to answer anything.Without him clearly stating who he is and what his involvement was, I will have no choice but to keep him here, and allow him to have his say during a trial.After which he will either serve a sentence, or be returned to Xyran as an undesirable.”“May I speak with him? Perhaps I can get the answers you desire.” Nakai didn’t know if the Xyran would be more cooperative with him, but he wasn’t giving up.“I would be most grateful, Captain.In an hour, if you will [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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