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.Rock rode well, staying with the horse’s motion.He steered the horse in a large circle, working into serpentines and figure eights in an attempt to regain control.As Andreas watched, the horse dropped to a slow canter then a trot, then finally a walk, blowing.Rock leaned forward and patted the horse on the shoulder.Giving the horse just a moment, he cued him into a canter and started large figure eights in the center of the arena.Respect for the rider grew as Andreas watched him carefully school his horse.The bucking temper tantrum was a long way away from this obedient, supple mount.He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking maybe Rock had a place here, a chance to reclaim his title as one of the top horsemen in the world.He’d heard the rumors that Rock had fallen off his game when he left rodeo.That his love affair with cow horses and reining meant he was getting soft, no longer had the competitive edge.But the man and horse in the arena told a different tale.He turned away from the railing, not wanting Rock to know he’d been there watching.Outside, a car backfired.The horse snorted, bucking his way across the arena to whirl like a dervish.The ride lost all its polish and looked instead like something from a rodeo arena.The horse ducked his head, trying to dump his rider over his shoulder.Rock became unbalanced.His foot slipped from the left stirrup.Andreas gripped the railing, knowing what would happen yet, like watching a train wreck, unable to pull his eyes away.The horse shied, tossing Rock over his shoulder.He flew through the air while the horse whirled and bolted for the other end of the arena.Landing on his shoulder, Rock grunted, rolled and lay in the dirt.Andreas bounded over the fence.He went straight for the horse, not wanting the animal to injure himself in the dangling reins.On the ground, Rock moaned.He wasn’t unconscious and undoubtedly had survived far worse falls.The horse skidded to a stop at the fence then whirled around.With the whites of his eyes showing, he glared around the arena, his gaze fixed on the man walking toward him.The beast snorted.“Easy,” Andreas crooned.He reached the reins and gently curled his fingers around them.The horse snorted again.“Easy, boy,” Andreas said.He waited a second for the horse’s head to drop, for the beast to realize there wasn’t any threat, and began walking him back toward Rock.Rock sat up, cradling his left arm.His shoulder looked twisted at an awkward angle.Gritting his teeth, he grabbed his arm and popped his shoulder joint back into place.Andreas winced.Rock rolled his shoulder then stood and reached for the horse’s reins.“Thanks,” he said, walking the horse forward a few steps to place his foot in the stirrup.“You okay? You took a hell of a fall.”Rock shrugged, the motion making tiny lines of pain bracket his eyes.“Just a tumble.” He turned the horse into a circle, leaving Andreas standing there, watching the back of a cowboy who apparently treated everything like a rodeo.Shaking his head, he strode toward the gate.He glanced over his shoulder but if Rock’s injury pained him, he showed no sign.Apparently tired from his exertions, the horse loped around the arena like a pleasure mount.His roommate was either a little foolhardy or quite determined.Andreas wasn’t sure which was more likely, and decided he was probably a bit of both.He left the arena before he could do something stupid like give this cowboy a piece of his mind.Whatever demons chased him had no place at this level of competition.Andreas decided to return to the hotel and do something constructive, like go over his game plan.* * * * *Once back at the hotel, the only thing on his mind was the image of Rock sailing over the horse’s shoulder to land on the ground with a sickening thud.His body hurt just thinking about Rock dislocating his shoulder and popping it back in.Shortly after Andreas had arrived, Rock had returned, change clothes and left again, muttering something about the workout room.How he could work out after a fall like that… Foolhardy.No other word would do when it came to describing Rock.Andreas shook his head, wondering why he even worried about Rock.Obviously the man could handle his horses and his life on his own.Perhaps it came from always being the senior member on the circuit and growing up with a father who believed in paying things forward, but Andreas always felt responsible for newer riders.Although he suspected Rock could handle his own career, watching the man careen around the arena on a bucking horse made him wonder.Andreas needed to get out of the room.He changed, his mind still picturing the man in the arena as he navigated the hallways and made his way down to the hotel’s pool room.The scent of chlorine hovered in the air, the water in the larger pool unmoving.For a moment he contemplated laps, some vigorous exercise to work out the nervous energy filling him.Around the corner, the jets on the hot tub whirred to life.Andreas stopped, suddenly aware he wasn’t alone.He took two more steps and turned toward the hot tub.There, in the middle of frothy bubbles, sat Rock.Eyes closed, he looked like a man receiving some sorely needed relaxation.The churning surface of the water hid his lower body from view, but what Andreas saw above the water made his mouth water.Rivulets of steam rolled over Rock’s chest.A drop of water trickled from his hairline, down the corded column of his neck and over scars marring his shoulder.Andreas found his eyes drawn to the network of lines crossing his right shoulder and upper pectoral.Andreas’ cock surged to life.To be in the hot tub with Rock, sharing the hot water, nearly naked, had him thinking of other, more pleasurable ways to relax.He’d heard the rumors and knew Rock was gay.Andreas swallowed hard.He stepped back, not quite wanting to intrude.Perhaps those laps would be a good idea.Rock opened one eye.“Hey,” he said.“Come on in, the water’s warm.” He shifted position and noted Andreas’ stare.Rock followed his gaze.“Rank bronc gave me those.The bitch bucked me off then tried to tap dance on me to finish the job.” He grinned.“I got her though.Year later, she was the horse that gave me the world title.”Andreas nodded and tore his gaze away.He tossed his towel on a nearby chair then descended the stairs into the steaming water.Heat radiated through his legs, up his calves and thighs.He stifled a groan and eased himself onto the bench.His foot brushed Rock’s hair-roughed calf.He tried not to linger, not to let the cowboy’s muscled body tempt him into doing something stupid like kissing him.Damn, it’d been awhile, and his throbbing dick reminded him exactly how long.“You doing okay?” Andreas asked, his voice rougher than he’d have liked.“That was a hell of a fall.” He might as well try to make amends for their bad first meeting.Rock shrugged it off.He winced, tiny lines of pain appearing at the corners of his eyes and mouth.“Doing just fine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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