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.“Bring the torch over here,” I asked Chad.He shone it on the door.All three of us peered at a mark in the centre of the door.There was no denying what it looked like, but that was impossible.“It looks like a footprint,” Brodie said.“So the driver crashed his car,” Chad said.“And then kicked the door off its hinges.”“That would take superhuman strength,” I said.“How is that possible?”“Something else makes no sense either,” Chad said.“What’s this car doing out here? No-one comes out here in the middle of the day let alone at night.”“Maybe someone wanted to draw us out here,” Brodie suggested.A chill ran up and down my spine.“Not to draw us here.”“What -.” Chad started.I looked back towards the house.“To draw us away.”Chapter NineEbony had awoken in the darkness with no idea as to what roused her from her sleep.At first she thought it was someone using the bathroom, but there was no sound of the toilet flushing.All the lights were out.The entire house lay in silence.She glanced at the clock.3:30amWhat the hell?This was way too early to be awake.Lying on her side, she closed her eyes again.Time to go back to sleep.Except a noise was coming from the door.She always slept with her door open.She liked air to circulate through her room at night.She kept her window open too, but it was permanently locked so that only two or three inches were open at the bottom.The sound coming from her door sounded like scratching.Could it be a rat? There were various types of small animals that lived in the desert.Maybe something had come in from outside.Tilting her head ever so slightly, she peered over towards the door and saw only blackness.Something hit the side of her dressing table.What the -?Moving her line of sight away from the doorway, she tried to see her dressing table, but found it impossible without moving her head.Now the sound seemed to find purchase on the wall.It slowly ascended until there was a slight bump as it reached the ceiling.She dared not move a muscle.She had no idea what it was, but it was large.She knew that by the way it collided with the ceiling.Could it be a bird? But no bird could be so large.What the hell was it?Only now did she allow herself to move her head slightly in the darkness.She did so with infinitesimal movement.One tiny fraction of an inch at a time.Whatever it was in the room could not possibly detect the slow movement.Could it?Her eyes moved to the ceiling above her dressing table.All she saw was darkness.One large patch of darkness.The longer she stared at the darkness, the more she thought it odd.Why was that one patch so dark? It seemed to be blacker than -.Something moved past her door.It took every bit of control for Ebony to bite back a scream.Whoever – or whatever – it was that had moved by had done so in complete silence.It had done so without even making the sound of a foot tread on the timber floors.Like a ghost.How was such a thing possible?Now Ebony returned her gaze to the space above her dressing table and she felt a growing horror that chilled her to the soul.The patch above the dressing table was no longer in darkness.If anything, the ceiling looked uniformly dark.She shifted her eyes again to the dressing table next to her bed.Her bedside lamp was within reach.Within her bedside drawer lay a gun.Dan had been able to procure it for her from a gun dealer in town.The poor man had thought he was selling it to a husband and wife from Tallahassee instead of a pair of teenagers with no identification.Another sound came from the ceiling.Directly above her.Ebony had never felt such terror in her life.The dark shape that had hovered over her dressing table now hovered directly over her bed.It clung to the ceiling directly over her.To make matters worse she thought she could make out some detail.In its own strange way it looked like a spider.An enormous spider.She felt sick.I have super powers, Ebony reminded herself.I can transmute a substance into anything of my choosing.I can turn a human being into salt if necessary.I can turn lead into gold.She had even spoken to Chad about how she could use non lethal force against people if necessary.A person would be rendered immobile if she grabbed their clothing – their shirt, for instance – and transformed it into steel.They would be stuck in position, unable to make a move.Think steel, she told herself.Think steel.Just as she decided to reach across and turn her lamp on, the shape on the ceiling shifted position slightly.Two tiny red balls of light came to life directly above her.Ebony felt her heart chugging like a steam engine.Her whole body grew rigid as if she were slowly turning to ice.Eyes.A pair of glowing red eyes peered down from the ceiling at her.Her left arm shot out and grabbed the light switch for the lamp.She snapped it on.At the same time she reached up with her hand.“Steel!” she snapped.“St-.”She got no further.A man lay back comfortably on the ceiling staring down at her.He was naked except for a pair of leather briefs.He appeared to be about twenty-five years of age, clean shaven, muscular and very pale.In the darkness his eyes had burned bright red, but now the light was on they were black.Even the normally white pupils were black.It was like looking at someone who had two perfectly black balls in their eye sockets instead of their eyes.He smiled.There was nothing nice about that smile.Ebony decided to scream.She was good at screaming.The sound would wake the entire household.She got as far as drawing back her breath.Then she looked into the man’s eyes and saw he loved her.He really, really loved her.It was a timeless love.An eternal love.For as long as she lived she would never find a love like this.Their love would exist from now till all life faded on Earth.Even now time seemed to fall away.The man leapt down from the ceiling and landed nimbly on his feet next to her bed.His eyes remained on her the whole time.“My name is Anthony,” he said.“And you are?”“Ebony.”“Ebony.Such a beautiful name.” He held out his hand.“Arise.”Ebony pushed back her sheet, placed her feet on the floor and stood before him.“Do you know how long I searched for you?” he asked.“Forever,” Ebony said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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