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.Having been inside his mind, reading it like files left willynilly over a desk, she knew his name.Truly, she knew everything superficial about him, including the fact that he had what might be romantically called a “cowboy code”—a vision of the universe in black-and-white.A quaint sense of justice that Ginny hadn’t seen since the early ’50s, back when she’d been a human and swept up in post-war patriotism.Back in the days when everything had been much simpler.She switched her gaze to the man, a moral compass who fascinated her.When she’d first seen him in the darkness near the dance floor, watching her with such longing, she’d gotten interested.Then, after she’d infiltrated his head, it’d gone to another level.one she didn’t quite understand since she’d never encountered the feeling before.Serenity.But, being the creature she was, she didn’t know what to do with this abstract niggling.So she’d reverted to habit, bringing him to the balcony, intent on getting her fill of his hard, hot body with mere sex.Foreplay.Afterward, she could get her blood from someone less dangerous—someone who wasn’t involved with Nolan Tyree.Someone who’d be an easier meal for the night.And in spite of Geneva showing up, Ginny was still going to have him.She could feel her lateral incisors elongating, evidence of her arousal.Still, she held back, savoring the foreplay as he turned away from her sister to face Ginny again, confusion marking his features.She took her time in scanning him.Under his white T- shirt, his shoulders were broad, his chest wide, his arms muscled.His dark green eyes were splintered with white shards that she could easily discern with her heightened vision.A past-the-hour-of-five shadow manifested itself as stubble on his face, hiding a cleft in his chin.He wore his brown hair short-clipped, just like his patience with the lack of leads in his brother’s case.By peering into his mind, she had seen he was a searcher.A perfect victim looking for more than the crumbs life had already offered him.As saddened as he was by his brother’s death, Ben Tyree was enchanted by what Nolan had found when he’d passed on.And, deep inside, he yearned for it, too.Now, Ginny noted how Ben composed himself in the aftermath of seeing Geneva, her twin, his body going wary.Searchers could be dangerous to vampires.Searchers tended to dig deeper into matters than was good for them.Thing was, Ginny thought, a man like Ben Tyree could be taken care of with a snap of her fingers.If she wished, none of the creatures in Studio tonight would let him out the doors, because even though her kind ran free in the club, they couldn’t afford to have talk of vampires filtering into the city.Here, in Studio, they fit effortlessly among the beautiful and the odd, among every guest who tried to top the hedonism with more and more excess.There were regular humans who even flocked here to act like vampires in the higher rooms or the basement, where the VIPs gathered.Besides, come morning, no one ever recalled the details of with whom they’d been or why their necks were tender with the bites some vampires, like her, could heal and conceal.Ginny finally stood from her chair.She’d sensed her twin’s growing hunger for a taste of Ben Tyree, and Geneva was bound to be growing less cautious by the moment.With the speed of a fractured second, Ginny mind-spoke to her twin.It was their special mode of communication.Long ago, when they were young, they would talk in a twin language based on high school Latin classes, and they’d always had a strange consciousness of what the other was feeling or doing.Those talents had only improved as vampires, taking the form of their own intensified awareness.Otherwise,Awareness for their breed was limited to communication between an individual and their maker.Their creator happened to be named Sorin, a vampire who still dwelled Underground in Los Angeles.Ginny squashed his name to the back of her head, burying it.This is Ben, she thought to her sister.He’s the brother of Nolan, from the other night.Her twin blinked, then smiled.I remember Nolan.At the name, Ginny felt her sister’s cravings escalate.A tweak of what a human might call trepidation invaded her.Isolation.A facsimile of emotion.Ginny tried to identify where it’d come from.How strange.I sure would like a bite, Geneva tacitly added.So strong, so gorgeous—No.Geneva paused, and Ginny knew what was running through her sister’s mind, even though Geneva was attempting to conceal it.She was feeling possessive, as she often did.Then Ginny mentally assuaged her twin, not wanting her to be angry.We have an entire club to choose from, she said.You know this prey is dangerous to us.Just let me get rid of him.So you can have him to yourself?Ginny ignored that, shutting off their awareness and concentrating on Ben again.It was so much better than battling with Geneva [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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