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.“I don’t believe it’s taken,” Link tried keeping his tonelevel.The man was making him feel a foreign desire he’dnever experienced.Sure, he’d loved Sarah passionately, butthis new feeling was a mixture of excitement, desire and theneed to experience a closer bond with Chad.Have I alwaysowned this personality trait—and didn’t know it?“I asked Brad what your interests are,” Chad’s tonewas conversational.“I thought we might get together nextweekend and find something to do.”Link didn’t want to sound too enthusiastic, but he didwant to meet up with Chad.“Sure, let me give you my phonenumber.There’s a shooting gallery and golf course near myplace I used to frequent, but… I haven’t been to either in thelast year or so.” He’d given up all social activity sinceSarah’s death and was now finding he’d missed it.“Why don’t I give you a call on Friday and we canmeet at the range on Saturday afternoon?” Chad slipped thecard Link had given him into his pocket.“I don’t know aboutyou, but I’m ready for another drink.How about letting meget you one?”“Thanks, Chad,” Link watched him walk across theroom.He definitely was interested in Char Farley andplanned to find out more about him come next weekend.6A New Beginning - Mary SuzanneTwoEvery time the phone rang that week, Link’s heart skipped abeat believing it was Chad calling.On Friday, he was aboutto give up hope of hearing from him, he said he would call.When the phone rang he heard the unmistakable sound ofChad’s voice, and felt elated.“Hi, Chad, it’s good to hear from you.” Link did hisbest to hide the excitement brimming in him.He only hopedhe didn’t reveal in his tone just how anxious he was forChad’s call.He didn’t want to scare him away before hefound out what Chad’s sexual preferences were—men orwomen.As he waited for Chad to answer, he silently won-dered when the change in him came about.I can’t everremember showing any interest in the same sex, but some-thing must have been buried in my subconscious, andSarah’s death—released the emotion? Maybe it was thetrauma of losing Sarah, although deep down, the feelingssubsided and she remained a permanent memory in his mind.“Why don’t we head over to the golf course tomorrowafternoon? Afterwards, we can stop by my place for drinks.”Chad interrupted Link’s self analysis.“How does oneo’clock sound to you?”“I can pick you up or meet you there,” Link again triedto keep his emotions from filling his voice.7A New Beginning - Mary Suzanne“I’ll drop by your place.Give me your address?”Link quickly rattled off his street address before heended the call.One more day and he would find out if whathe felt was only a fantasy or the real thing.Deep down, hefelt it was the real thing and he was ready to step into a newarena in his life.*****On Saturday, Link waited impatiently for Chad to arrive fortheir day at the course.As he sat staring off into space, hewondered how he could approach Chad about his feelings.The only way he knew would be to come straight to the pointand ask Chad what his sexual preferences were.If he couldrely on his judgment, he suspected Chad was more interestedin the male than the female.When the doorbell rang, Link stopped himself fromhurrying across the room.Excitement filled him as he pulledthe door open and saw Chad on the doorstep.“Would youlike to come in?” His tone sounded uneven although he triedcalming his nerves.Just the sight of those brilliant blue eyessetting off Chad’s masculine features did something to him.His heart pounded out a silent message of how much he’dlove to bed the guy staring across at him.“If we don’t head to the range early, it’ll be so crowd-ed we’ll never get to play a round of golf.” He stepped backand gave Link room to lock his door before leading the wayto his car.“After we finish today, let’s go over to my apart-ment and order dinner in.There’s a great Chinese located ablock from my place.Oh, I forgot to ask whether you likedChinese.”“Sounds good to me.” This would be the perfectopportunity to find out what he needed to know about Chad.Maybe a cozy dinner, a little wine—and me.8A New Beginning - Mary SuzanneAfter getting into the car, Link watched Chad as hedrove.Again, he felt the overpowering urge to reach acrossthe seat and cup the cock that pushed against the fabric ofChad’s jean shorts.He silently wondered what Chad’s reac-tion would be.Instead of giving in to his hidden desire, hedecided to wait until they were alone at Chad’s apartment [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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