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.When you come out, we’ll talk more.” Cole turned and left the bathroom.Adam reached over her and placed the cloth wrapped ice on the side of the tub and then turned off the faucets.“Yell if you need some help, baby.” He gave her a last lingering look and then he, too, left the bathroom.He was so agitated he wanted to hit something, but that would only scare Emily more and that was the last thing he wanted to do.Chapter FourEmily sighed as she closed the bathroom door.Taking off the rest of her clothes, she sank down into the warmth of the bath.Thoughts raced throughout her mind as she soaked some of her aches and pains away.She picked up the ice and put it on her bruised arm, thoughts racing through her mind as she wondered what she was supposed to do now.With Chris gone, she had no one left.Although Cole and Adam said they were her family now, that wasn’t the case, no matter how much she wished it were true.Would they expect her to leave? Would they fire her, too? When her thoughts started giving her a headache, she pushed them aside and just relaxed in the warm water.She didn’t have the luxury of a bath in her cabin and she relished the quiet as some of her pains soaked away.When the water started to get cool, she quickly washed her body, being careful as she washed over the bruises, and then she got out and dried off.The ice had also relieved some of the pain in her arm and she was able to move it more without it hurting so much.She wrapped her body with a towel and another around her damp hair, just as the bathroom door opened.She looked at Adam’s hand when he extended it to her.“Come on.I’ll show you where your clothes are.”Reaching out with her good arm, she clasped his hand and nearly gasped when warmth traveled up her arm, to her breasts, and down to her pussy.Moisture gathered on her folds and as she walked she was aware of her labial lips rubbing together.Cream wept from her pussy onto her thighs and she was glad he couldn’t see her upper legs.Adam showed her where her clothes were in the closet and dresser in the room she had awakened in, and she wondered who had moved them from her cabin.From what Cole said earlier, she suspected he had and even though it made her a little angry over his take-charge attitude, she was also glad.She didn’t really want to go back to that empty cabin in case her brother came back and hit her again.“Come out to the kitchen when you are dressed.Dinner is ready.”Emily dressed quickly and then walked to the kitchen.She stood in the doorway as she watched the two masculine, handsome men preparing the finishing touches to their meal.She must have made a sound because Cole turned toward her.“Take a seat, sweetheart.It’s almost done.”Sitting down, she watched as they brought the food to the table.There was steak, mashed potatoes, and salad, as well as crusty rolls warm from the oven.Cole and Adam sat on either side of her and then started loading their plates with food.Emily was astounded by the amount of food they put on their plate and didn’t realize she was staring until Cole grabbed her plate and piled a heap of food onto it.“That’s too much.I can’t eat all that.”“Try,” Cole said in a firm voice and then pointed to her plate.Rolling her eyes toward the ceiling she picked up a small dinner roll and started nibbling on it.Once she started eating she demolished half of everything on her plate and sat back with a sigh when she was full.She then watched the men consume everything on their plates and hid a giggle when they went back for more.“You don’t eat enough, baby,” Adam said eying the food left on her plate.“Yes I do.I’m full.I’m a lot smaller than you are.If I ate as much as you two do, I’d be as big as a house,” she replied.Cole leaned back in his chair and looked at her arm before meeting her gaze.“How did you hurt your arm?”Emily explained how Chris had frightened Star when he had stormed into the barn, making the horse rear.“I’ll kill him.” Cole growled through clenched teeth.“He’s my brother.Please don’t hurt him,” Emily whispered.“Yes, he is your brother.Did that stop him from hurting you? Did he protect you like he should have?” Cole asked in a hard voice.Emily just sat at the table, her eyes pleading with him to understand.Cole gave her a scowl, shoved his chair back, rose to his feet, and then stormed out of the back door, slamming it behind him.“He’s right you know,” Adam said quietly.“Your brother was supposed to be protecting you, not abusing you.”“He’s all I have.”“No, Emily, he is not.You have Cole and me.You just don’t realize it yet.”Emily ignored Adam’s statement and rose from the chair.She started clearing the table.Adam helped her and they worked together companionably until everything was cleared and wiped down, with the dishwasher running.“Come on, baby,” Adam said gently, taking her hand in his.“Let’s go watch a movie.”Adam put the movie on and sat down beside her.She could feel the heat from his body seeping into her and she wanted to lean against him and snuggle up with him, but she stayed still and tried to keep her heavy eyelids open as she watched the movie.* * * *Adam was aware of Em’s struggle to stay awake.Even though he didn’t look at her directly, he watched her from the corner of his eye.Every time she blinked, it took her longer and longer for her lids to open again until finally they stayed closed and her breathing evened out.He placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in against his body.He loved the way she felt in his arms, so small, delicate, and feminine.When she rubbed her cheek on his chest and sighed, he smiled and kissed the top of her head.She trusted him and Cole, otherwise she would have put up more of a stink over having her stuff brought over to their house.He just hoped they could take the next step and start a relationship with her.Adam glanced up at Cole when he entered the living room and smiled when he saw Emily asleep in his arms.He and his brother always thought along the same track and Cole’s next words proved it.“We can’t let her leave, Adam.”“I know.But we need to give her some time to heal and become more comfortable with us.Be patient, Cole, she’s been to hell and back.”“We’ve been waiting for her for so long, now that she’s here I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” Cole sighed.“Let’s get her to bed.”Adam scooped Emily into his arms and headed toward the master bedroom.Cole followed and helped to remove her shoes and jeans, leaving her T-shirt and panties on.“She’s so fucking gorgeous,” Cole whispered.“So small, but look at all those curves.”“Don’t.I’m having a hard enough time without you adding to it.” Adam pulled the covers up over her body.“I love her, Cole, and I know you do, too.I’ve seen you watching her the last few years as she grew into womanhood.Just give her some time.She needs to get over her fear first [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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