Brahm, Ajahn Meditation
.Wir gehen jetzt in eine andere Richtung als die Ăźbrige Welt.Die Botschafter der WahrheitWir kĂśnnen dieses SichlĂśsen von der Welt auch als einen RĂźckzug in den Geist, in unsere stille Mitte, betrachten.Manchmal spĂźrt ihr, wie euch die Welt eures Zuhauses, die Welt ...
Charles Willeford [Hoke Mosel Grimhaven (epub)
.His toilet articles were in a leather Dop-Kit in the bathroom, and he had a large cardboard box filled with little bars of soap he had taken with him when he left the Eldorado Hotel, his longtime residence in Miami Beach.He figured it would take at least three years before he ran ...
C2 Demon Wars 01 The Demon Aw Salvatore, R.A
.The Demon Awakens by R.A.SalvatoreCopyright 1996PreludeThe demon dactyl came awake.It didn't seem such a momentous thing, just a gradual stirring in a deep cave in a far, empty mountain.An unnoticed event, seen by none save the cave worms and those few insomniacs among ...
Bird in the Hand Larry Niven
.A big hand closed on his upper arm."Just a minute," Ra Chen said softly."The Secretary-General's paying us a visit."Svetz's heart lurched."How do you know?"Ra Chen pointed."You should recognize that thing on the walkway.We brought it back last month from Los Angeles, ...
Antidote a l'avarice Caroline Roe
.La taverne la plus proche du chantier naval ĂŠtait petite et sans prĂŠtention aucune.Quand Romeu et ses compagnons y entrèrent, elle ĂŠtait dĂŠjĂ pleine dâhommes attablĂŠs lĂ depuis un certain temps, encore Ă digĂŠrer la cruelle nouvelle â pour eux, le travail ...
Crespy Michel Lowcy glow
.To nie to, co młodzi bez żadnego doświadczenia w zawodzie czy ci, którzy przekroczyli pięćdziesiątkę - tych absolutnie nie można zaangażować.No a poza tym żona dodaje panu ducha.Pójdzie do wróżki, a ona ujrzy na horyzoncie nowe wspaniałe perspektywy i ...
Czas w piekle Jack Higgins (2)
.Śmieć,oczywiście.Żadnego stylu.Prawdziwy portowy szczur, ale szczurjestzawsze szczurem i trzeba go mieć na oku.Pięć minut później natknął sięna czynną przez całą noc kawiarnię.Wszedł, rozmienił przy barzestufrankowy banknot i zajął ...
Carrie Anne Ward (ed) Heat Waves [MF] (epub)
.He seemed about to say something, but she looked away, and he obviously thought better of speaking.Emma was really glad, as at that moment she would have been unable to speak.The pleasure was growing more intense as James skilfully worked her sex with his fingers.How the ...
Cora Brent [Defiant Motorcycl Remember Me (epub)
.He wouldnât have any more thoughts about ancient bullshit.What was done was done.There was no point in getting all riled up about it.Maddox never intended to see either Gaby or his brother again.The old man was a different story though.Maddox felt a pang when he ...
Beverly Jenkins Vivid (epub)
.VividbyBeverly JenkinsCopyright Š 1995, 2000 by Beverly E.JenkinsPrologueGrayson Grove, Michigan August 1865Nate Grayson stood before the big bay window in his large, book-lined study watching the rain.By all rights, he should have been more concerned with the ...
[heft] Perry Rhodan 1442 Die grauen Eminenzen
.Die grauen EminenzenGalaktiker in NGCâ wer kennt das Geheimnis der Schwarzenvon Kurt MahrSternenstraĂźen?Als die Galaktiker der Tarkan-Expedition heimkehren, mĂźssen sie zwei Schocks verkraften: zum einen, daĂź sie sich um fast 700 Jahre verspätet haben, und ...
Becky Turner [Alpha Billionai His Offer [MF] (epub)
.HIS OFFERBECKY TURNERKINDLE EDITIONCopyright Š 2015 Becky TurnerAll Rights ReservedCover Design by Mayhem Cover CreationsFormatting by Mayhem Cover CreationsAll rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any ...
Beverley Kendall [The Elusive All's Fair in Love
.âśI will not take what you will not give freely.What do you want? You only have to tell me,â he coaxed, his breath mingling with hers.Elizabeth blinked several times before his handsome face came into focus.Devil take him!They had been doing perfectly well on the course ...
Beesley, Lawrence Titanic Wie ich den Untergang ueberlebt
.Abseits von allen, meistens oberhalb des Hinterdecks Ăźber dem Spielfeld, stand ein Mann von 20 oder 24 Jahren, gut angezogen, immer behandschuht und hĂźbsch gepflegt, und ganz bestimmt vĂśllig fehl am Platze zwischen seinen Mitpassagieren: die ganze Zeit sah er nie ...
C E Martin [Stone Soldiers 03 Blood
.But sheâd seen enough in the past month to know Kenslir wasnât lying.âśYouâve died before?ââśSix times now,â the Colonel responded, eyes on the road.Pam frowned.Sheâd been trying to make conversation ever since they left Miami in the white passenger ...
.CZĘŚĆ IIDROGA KRZYŻOWA W COI.OSSEBM(Z uczestniczeniem Ojca Świętego Pawła VI w Wielki Piątek 1873 -z uwzględnieniem niektórych myśli z dziel św.Franciszka Salezego)âźDroga Krzyża, cierpienia i ucisków jest drogą, która prowadzi do Boga i do ...
Desmond Seward Mnisi Wojny. Krotka Historia Za
.Zdobycie przez króla Baldwina III w 1153 roku Askalonu stało się widownią wyjątkowo mało budują-cego zachowania mistrza templariuszy, Bernarda de Tremelaya.Oddział âźmścicieli, którzy służą Chrystusowi, wyzwolicieli ludów ...
Bonnie Dee [Beloved 02] Beloved Bodyguard (Rock Hard) (
.Ja-hunâs mouth closed to a tight line.The smoldering sparks in his eyes winked out, leaving them as cold as black ice.âśItâs time to get back now.â His voice was even colder.He hailed a passing waitress and scanned his card on her quickpay, grabbed Leelahâs wrist, ...
Anotaciones sobre Hitler Sebastian Haffner
.Por ello es previsible que este delgado volumen siga acaparando nuestra atención cuando muchos de los gruesos tomos de historia hayan caĂdo ya en el olvido.En su epĂlogo el historiador JĂźrgen Peter Schmied aborda de modo mĂĄs prolijo la sugestiva personalidad y obra ...
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